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This is a place for sharing items that I think might be of interest to others. My e-mails often involve sending some newly discovered website or an updated project to many different folks, so I thought it might be more efficient to try this approach. Feedback encouraged, and I have turned on the comments permission now that there's a Spam control. Feel free!

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Name: Ramón Sender Barayón
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

More than you want to know right here! http://www.raysender.com

July 9, 2007

At the risk of repeating myself...

jax wrote on the Yahoo DozgchenPractices list::
Now I recommend you have faith in what I have presented
and the Way as taught in the Sudden School of Chan and
demonstrate devotion to the task of cutting-off all concepts
and beliefs of every kind in just this very moment! If not
now when? But remember when the time happens for you it
will be in that current moment of now... so why wait, the
future now is identical to this now... get it?
At the risk of repeating what I just wrote in another reply, blinks
(already a self-arising phenomenon) cut off all conceptualizing for
a brief instant.Why not blink voluntarily twenty times in a row and
see what happens?

Of all the various usages I’ve been investigating (resonating the
trachea as if in deep sleep
, smiling, revitalizing the facial nerves
with the Thwizzler, subvocally ‘Ah-ing’ on both inhale and exhale,
unblinking eye fixation, flaring the nostrils on the inhale)
blinking seems the most useful because it can be done anywhere with-
out drawing undue attention (unless face-to-face with the boss).
For the latter moments, it may be wise to move southward and just concentrate on the undulation of the anal sphincter while breathing.
which expands out on the inhale and draws in and up on the exhale.
I learned this from observing my dog’s rear end when he barks.
Teachers come in all shapes and sizes!

(Blinking on my heartbeat as I write this – ahhhhh!)

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January 20, 2007

Unaffiliated and Pathless, But Smiling!

From e-mail November 19, 2006

> If one has purified all of their energies that would automatically be the
> Enlightened state. There are many ways to accomplish this result in
> terms of path. And likewise some of those paths would take longer or
> shorter than others.
At the risk of repeating myself to the point of over-surfeiting my
co-aspirants, this is what works for this entity, and perhaps some of this
can be useful to others:
Sunlight: bathed in sunlight, all my thoughts automatically cease because
the isolated self melts into the waterfall of light. I've experienced this
since a sunbathing teenager, but only made the conscious connection to
the Sun as Conscious Source later in early adulthood when I 'closed the
duality gap' three times in three various ways (disappearing in nature,
disappearing through the Christian 'neti-neti' Via Negativa, disappearing
via Sun as Source).
Light: I also meditate on "the light buried in darkness" at night, and
also have used the old style Tensor lamp (uses an old-style DC auto
headlight bulb) as a meditation object. For some reason, this works much
better than any other artificial light I've encountered (including Halogen).
Resonating the trachea: this can be accomplished in various ways such
as the Tibetan deep-chest-tone chanting, or OM-ing on the inhale and
exhale (full circle OM), or learning to 'purr' or, with a smile, 'snarl.'
Tracheal resonance passes through the heart, aorta and upper vena cava to
the whole circulatory system (fingers and toes start tingling).
I resonate the trachea to dissolve all lateral body armorings and stay
centered in the heart where in my 'heart of hearts' I find the end of all
suffering and thus no longer 'search'.
Ken Wilber might critique this approach and say that I'm stuck on the
physical pranic energies level and nowhere near entering the more subtle
sheathes. But if my physical feeling of 'emptiness' is satisfied (some might
term this 'suffering'), then all else seems to flow out of it naturally (I
call it 'feeding the baby'). Whenever that 'hollow' feeling starts in my
navel area, I start resonating the trachea. Great exercise is to see how
quickly I can melt away that 'I'm late for something and have to rush' panic
feeling when I'm driving.
What concerns me is to find "access to enlightenment that is available to
anyone," not just those who have devoted years to meditation and belong to
some august lineage or other -- and I do mean ANYONE. I am convinced
that Mother intended access to the natural state of beyond-words-inde-
scribable to be easy and 'built in.' For this reason I study mostly
animals and little children. Actually I have most success teaching my
'purring' exercise to 3 and 4-year-olds, whom I start with 'Old MacDonald
Had A Farm' animal noises and then we piggy-grunt our way into bliss.
As someone dear to me says of himself, I am "unaffiliated with any
tradition and independent of any paths." Same for me, even if I
acknowledge various teachers and mentors during my growing-up. And if
I have a 'lineage,' it starts with machinegun fire, the first sound I
heard upon birth during Red October, 1934, in Madrid (according to my
father)from the emplacement outside the lying-in hospital) and then
extends through my mother's death by assassination squad when I was
two (I think this is where I learned tracheal resonance as a path via
on the inhale: "ah-ah"
on the exhale: groaning sigh
-- excellent practice, by the way, (connected to the Vajra mantra
OM AH HUNG). 'Lineage' should include various surrogate mothers,
music teachers -- and the 18 places I lived in my first 18 years.
Actually I was an illegal alien in the USA and officially "non-
existent" from age 4 until 13 – no birth certificate (destroyed in
The Spanish Civil War) and no entry papers/visa, etc. (my father's
diplomatic passport was invalidated when Franco won that war).
As my dad was in Mexico in 1939 and my sister and I were in the
USA, he could not place us on the Mexican visa he was given. It
wasn't until he married an American citizen and was naturalized
(great word) that we could then derive our official identities
from him and rematerialize as physical beings in Consensus Reality.
But all of this is basically The Human Condition, yes? Compared to
millions of other less-lucky children, we were miraculously evacuated
out of fascist Spain and a Europe about to explode into World War II
(ironically, it was Roosevelt and Churchill's decision to blockade
oil and arms shipments to the 'Red' Popular Front government --
who had won the 1936 elections -- that allowed Franco, with the
help of Hitler's bombers and Mussolini's tanks, to defeat the Republic.
Would Hitler have entered Poland and triggered WWII if the Republic
had won? An interesting question.
The bottom line to all this 'lineage' nonsense, however, is that,
as an exercise, tracheal resonance is available to anyone --
just add a smile and purr! Or if you're approaching it through crying,
note what the 'feeling' of the end result is.
In the heart, always,
"That which is not present in deep dreamless sleep is not real..."
Sri Ramana Maharshi
"The relaxed, sounding breath is the outward manifestation of deep,
dreamless sleep. Do it while awake and -- guess what happens?"
Ramon (Ray) Sender

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